Rahmat Subani Irfani was born in Sukoarjo Solo, Central Java on February 11, 1949 from the couple R ng Umar Hadhi and R ay Siti Muksinah. Since the early age he had liked to observe all the kind of picture , only depicted and saw the picture that could make him calmed and happy. His drawing talent was gotten from his father that was although become a Religious Teacher but being known as an expert drewer . That’s why when he was young , Mr.Rahmat Subani decided to continue the College's education in ASRI Jogjakarta. Of course with his drew skills that has been sharpened since he was small he could pass the entered test easily, this was periods that really made him happy. He really enjoyed study and socialised in his campus environment. He was active in several campus organisation that was b the Religion, sport, the self-defence and social social. He also really liked to read and study many branches of knowledge so as he controlled many matters like marketing, the trade, advertising, philosophy, social communication also some knowledge
For 6 years of his career Mr.Rahmat Subani had followed exhibition for 33 times include 3 single Exhibition among of them were the Exhibition in Edwin Gallery,Exhibition in Santi Gallery, Exhibition in Japan Art, Exhibition in CP Foundation, The Phenomenon of five sides Exhibition (5 times), the ASRI Exhibition, Auction in the Southeby Auction Room until now, the auction in the Christy Auction Room for several times etc.
Visually he had 3 period of stages through his career : out of the frame, the movement and metamorphosis. In the period out of the frame his works visually gave effects to attract attention of the viewer like the object that seem like out from the frame , the world of the illusion and the difference of the real world and unreal. In the period of the movement he made the work of the moving object where the movement had the narration that want to share. Afterwards in the Metamorposis period the object of humankind and the things were put forward to represent his philosophy . Where the dominant black colour was put forward not only as the colour but also as the theme. (Edwin Rahardjo)
Actually the dominan of the black colour became trend had been appeared when the black colour emerged in the development of the Rahmat Subani painting in the year 1995/1996. This colour developed his territory and urged the game of the illusion of the his painting, this was seen in the painting of “Gejolak Jiwa” (1995), “ Climax” (1996), “Di Balik Kegelapan” (1996) and “ Lively Night” (1996) where his black colour controlled the canvas field and left approximately twenty percent of the canvas field for the game of the illusion. (Jim Supangkat )
During his last period of the career, Rahmat Subani used the female model that was depicted in various styles and theme in the middle of dominant black . It was given the mysterious attraction and at the same time giving the impression of being soft, calm, in fact cheerful as though bringing the observer to nature imagination and not the perception.
Although his wished to continue explored had been stopped but the blow of the “hitam dominan” that had given in the world of the painting was not easy to be forgotten.
Please see Rahmat Subani's paintings
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